Tighe’s Jill – Passed 6/3/24

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Tighes Jill Q4698

Sire.  Charlies Chief Q4404

Dam. Tighes Ivey Q4185   NB. Ivey was by Tungali Keith

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Photos of Jill and myself working at the 3 sheep trial at Tenterfield in January 2017.

Eric photo w: text Jill Photo 4 Jill Photo 2 Jill Photo 3

Jill is Missed

Jill is a more of a paddock dog with the ability to back and bark. She will work sheep and cattle outside and has a good cast. Jill has a natural ability to settle her stock, while being strong enough to shift them with ease.
She is an Open 3 sheep dog and Improver class yard dog. Jill is a very agile free moving bitch.


Tighes Jill Pedigree